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As Simple As Photoshop, a video tutorial learning system.

1. crisderaud10 March 2010, 17:01 GMT +01:00

"As Simple As Photoshop" - a video-book for Photoshop users! This set of tutorials offers you an original method of a quick but total immersion into the program environment. Perhaps you have heard some people saying that Photoshop is very complex. This is partially true; learning all of this application may take you years. The "ASAP" (stands for "As Simple As Photoshop") offers you a faster way. It takes you by the hand and shows you around Photoshop, allowing you to combine all the possible learning methods - just read it, watch it, listen to it, and follow it.

The main speed-up secret is illustrations. Every tutorial here is packed with a short movie showing some practical usage of the wordy lesson. You may play those either one by one, or as a full-size and full-length video. The elaborated controls instantly guide you to required page or episode.


Reasonably priced at all 12 or 18 dollars depending on which version you get. Most a 12 dollars. This system makes Photoshop very easy to use.

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