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First day of spring here! It's cold again tonight, though.
here it is first day of autumn and still very warm with 28 °C
It was 4.4C last night and 26 today. It's going to be another cold one tonight. Currently 9C, so probably as cold again, but the days are wonderful. Then we're up to double digits at night for the next week, plus some rain. Thank goodness. The tank has to be filled. I said to my son yesterday (it rained) that all my life I hated rain, so I never thought I'd be glad to see it pouring down - until I had tank water!
Still very variable here. I don't remember a year with such prevalent cold grey cloud, through winter, spring and summer. At least we've had a fair bit of sunshine today.Our weather is certainly not...
Christa is very thankful for rain now, too. All the plants on the terrace are always very thirsty. She has to water them when it is too dry - and it was far too dry this summer.
I wonder what people would talk about if the weather was always perfect? LOL
Have you ever seen any place with always perfect wheather?
I used to live in Bundaberg - north of where I live now. It had the 7th best (most stable) climate on the planet, so, less temperature variation throughout the year, and the temps are comfortable. Because of that, you get acclimatised easily, and rarely have the sweltering or freezing of other places. It's on the same latitude as Hawaii. You only needed long sleeves on winter nights - and that lasted about two weeks to a month. Given its recent catastrophic flood, there is some cause to rethink, however, that was an extremely unusual event.
I didn't know that Bundy was famous for such a good climate situation. Berlin would be far off on that statistic, I suppose.
moth (for Mimi)
I used to love the climate there. I moved up from Sydney, and I was wandering around in velvet pants and boots (well, it was the 70s!) and they were so hot in that winter. For a long time I spent almost every day on the beach - before my son was of school age. It was a good life.
good memories. you are a lucky girl, that's fine.
I was, and I've got the skin cancers to prove it! LOL
So you have one more reason to get rid of some of that skin. But it won't help to loose much weight...