Well, I took the plunge today and bought myself a new camera. It's an old model, but the best I could afford - a Canon EOS 1000D, with one 18-55 (I think) mm lens with image stabilisation - really important for me. It's all a bit much for me to deal with right now. I always take a lot of time to wrap my head around electronics. So I've looked at the books, and then put it all away. It will be several days before I can sit down and try to use it the first time. Mobile phones challenge me, so this will be quite difficult. I'm hoping I can learn to take some proper images, and maybe sell them at some time. It's only 10mp, but I think that's enough to begin with.
I feel so fortunate to be able to do this. I was unemployed for six months this year, so it's like a miracle that I now have money to spend - thanks to a tax refund. Of course, I should keep it for another car, but I'm hoping I will be able to save a little this year. On Sunday - I think - I plan to buy a new computer. That will also sit in the box while I digest the situation. I'm terrible. I buy things and don't use them for twelve months! LOL We all have our funny little ways, I guess!
I can understand Chicken, because I'm quite camera-shy, too :)
Perhaps it would be a nice adventure to switch the flash off and just leave all the other automatics on, my point & shoot allows this. Maybe with sunlight or some additional lamp the flash-mobbing isn't really necessary.
I can only do that if the automatic is off, I'm afraid. I'm not brave enough to do that yet. :)
I guess now would be a good time to explain that I also bought a new computer. I will be poor for quite a while. I'm trying to download all my data onto an external drive, but it's a bit slow and painful, so my attention is divided right now. I bought my current computer in 2000, I think, so it has passed its use-by date. I have this wonky 15 inch monitor that plays up, and there is hardly any RAM, a tiny graphics card. The thing that's sitting on my kitchen table has a 23 inch monitor, a dedicated video card and 4 gig of RAM. I might need a seat belt to drive the thing, compared to this old dinosaur. I can hardly wait to get that set up, but I'm getting there. I am so fortunate, and I'm grateful that I have been able to buy the things I wanted/needed for a long time. All this, and I have a nice place to live and a good job. This time last year I had just been made redundant from work, and I had no idea of what to do.
Oh yes, you will be amazed about the speed of your new computer. To transfer all the data for it and get all the software you are used to to run again is quite a task, though. But the year is young enough for such a firework of new challenges and possibilities. Wow, 23 inch monitor... you are really a lucky girl :)
Congratulations, you must be in a sort of 'techical fever' now. I wish you a lot of fun with the new 'staff'.
And @9 I never will give up my little Lumix but I want a second one do develope myself in using cameras. I'm looking after the same model than you bought cause of the compatibility of the lenses to a cheaper company (Tamron). Yesterday I was beaten again on ebay. I decided to go to the next Shop where they sell cameras und are able to tell something about them. But it might be more expansive than I thougt I could get one in the internet and so I have to make a few more standby on duty (Ihope it's the right expression) for staying in hospital with no reguläre work time but to work when someone calls you.
But first of all I'm happy with you and curious about your impressions and experiences with your new comforts :-)
I will keep you updated. I am back at work now, so the evenings are a blur of mental tiredness and getting organised for the next day. So I am just continuing to copy data to my external hard drive before I even unpack the new PC.
Yes, the monitor is the thing I really look forward to. Apart from giving me sunburn, I'm hoping it will be big enough to see properly. I have terrible eyesight.
Gesine, are you a nurse? Stand-by or on-call is the expression we use for casual workers who are called in at short notice. I used to be a nurse when I was young.
Yes I am anesthesia nurse.
In which division do you have worked when you was a nurse?
Just general nursing. I started my training when I was 17. I left after a couple of years. I was a good nurse, but I wasn't a "natural", and I am much happier dealing with people's welfare than their bodies. LOL But I know how to make a bed like an expert! In those days here, you worked on the wards and took short periods of time - 6 weeks or so - every so often for study. That was a really practical way to learn.
I have great respect for the modern professional nurses. Their skill levels are very high. I have two sisters who completed their nurses training. One left to get married (you had to in those days, the 1960s) and the other did a lot of Community nursing work, running community centres and assessing people for aged care, etc. She was very good, but sadly had a brain haemmorhage and a stroke, and was forced to retire. She misses it terribly.
That's very sad what happened to your sister. I studied sports and informatics while gaining money in the hospital but I have not got a job in the surrounding i wanted (performance diagnostics in sports) cause the conditions they make for doing those jobs changed while I am still studying. So I work in the hospital and I like my job. I help my friend in his company. I am the web division in his little IT company. And in that case I came to sxc a few years ago, cause I needed pictures for my clients which could not effort to pay huge prices for it.
Hi Dez, Glad you got your camera. How's it working? I bet you are enjoying it... I am beginning to get back online with my repaired camera, but finding it hard to find the time still at present.
Also pleased you've survived the horrendous floods relatively well... Hope things are beginning to get back to normal (?).
Still raining, I'm afraid, and Rockhampton, which had a massive flood that lasted a long time, had another flash flood a few days ago. There is rain predicted for the next two months. Given that I hate rain at the best of times, this is like punishment to me! LOL
I have used the camera a bit. But it's raining so much that it's hard to feel inspired or find anything nice to snap. I bitterly miss the zoom on my Lumix, though. I haven't worked out how zoom works with lenses yet, and if I can grasp it, I might buy a telephoto lens next time. I'm glad your camera is now repaired, Dan. Time is a rare commodity for me these days, too.
Poor Brazil is suffering so much more with its mudslides. Other countries do not have the money or infrastructure that we have, and natural disasters are just devastating when you live in poverty. Our social security system is giving flood victims a thousand dollars if they have been displaced temporarily, and there is a lot of other help available for them. You can't replace lives lost anywhere, though, can you?
Sony Overtakes Nikon in Interchangeable Lens Cameras in the UK
The new mirrorless cameras are coming on strong.
Read more here: http://www.petapixel.com/2011/01/21/sony-overtakes-nikon-in-interchangeable-cameras-in-the-uk/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed:+PetaPixel+(PetaPixel)