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4 seasons on 45 seconds

1. jimdaly9817 February 2011, 18:39 GMT +01:00

Stumbled across this one - thought you might like it.

26. happyture27 February 2011, 8:31 GMT +01:00

I am grateful for that Dezzie, they don't half dig in those little blighters don't they..

27. xymonau27 February 2011, 8:39 GMT +01:00

No, those would be scabies. I'm unsure of your scabid status at this present time. Nits hold on for dear life to your hairs, and whilst I would never, ever insult a Welshman, I have to say that you provide a vast play area for them. Mostly on your back and in your ears. Well, the palms of your hands, too, if I'm being honest.

28. happyture27 February 2011, 8:46 GMT +01:00

Dont be too Honest please Dezzie, i,m trying to attract friends here you know, and as you can see .................................... Plan B ????

29. happyture27 February 2011, 8:49 GMT +01:00

WELL DARN IT,,,, you only needs one good friend dont you dezzie, heres my washing Dezzie,,Oh and can you borrow me $10.00 ,,,,Oh and pick a paper up while your out walking the cat.. Thanks friend......

30. xymonau27 February 2011, 8:50 GMT +01:00

Oh. Okay. Ahem. Nice weather we're having, hain't it? You're looking good, Michael. Had your palms trimmed?

31. happyture27 February 2011, 9:33 GMT +01:00

Huh,,,I DONT HUNDERSTOOD,,, wot you meen Dezzie, palms trimmed?? thats a sign of madness aint it,, Well hime highly hintelligent so there Mrs... Ive got a IQ, of double fingers......

32. xymonau27 February 2011, 10:06 GMT +01:00

Isn't that how they measure whiskey? Two fingers of whiskey or something?

I walked the cat. Sadly, he couldn't keep up with the car, and I have something to tell you.

33. happyture27 February 2011, 11:34 GMT +01:00

Dont tell me,,, not whiskers,,,

34. xymonau27 February 2011, 12:23 GMT +01:00

That's right. He no longer has whiskers. Or any other hairs, actually. Boy, is he annoyed!

35. happyture27 February 2011, 20:09 GMT +01:00

NO, NO, NO, thats the last time i trust you with whiskerless Whiskers...

36. xymonau27 February 2011, 23:15 GMT +01:00

Here he is in this bag. You'll have to open it, but I recommend that you stand well back.

37. happyture28 February 2011, 0:21 GMT +01:00

I just dunno how you could of done such a thing,,poor innocent whiskers, he only wanted a walk, Hey, my next door neighbour stopped the other day and said,,,Excuse me, but Ive noticed that your cat whiskers comes into my garden digs a hole and does a poo poo and then fills the hole in and walks off,,,,,,I said WELL, that's perfectly normal behaviour with cats, He said,, With a spade???

38. xymonau28 February 2011, 9:59 GMT +01:00

His spade days are over, Mikey. His legs appear to have been twisted a little. Sort of on backwards. Like his ears. Well, I didn't know he was lazy...

39. happyture28 February 2011, 22:57 GMT +01:00

I couldn't do anything like that Dezzie, i ain't got a bad bone in me body, kind to hamimals and children, i help old peoples across the road,,whether or not they want to go, and i share things.....

40. happyture28 February 2011, 22:59 GMT +01:00

But i couldnt hurt a hinisent little cat like that .....,,,,HEY where has the EDIT BAR GONE??? DEZZIE PUT IT BACK NOW!!

41. xymonau1 March 2011, 9:47 GMT +01:00

Say "please".

42. happyture1 March 2011, 10:32 GMT +01:00

Well i got my edit bar back, you aint got yours though av ya, the only bars i take are made of chocolate, and i eat it chocoearly......

43. xymonau1 March 2011, 10:36 GMT +01:00

I got ten squillion edit bars. I just hides 'em.

44. happyture1 March 2011, 14:57 GMT +01:00

If Ive told you once iv,e told you a million times,,,Don't exaggerate!

45. xymonau2 March 2011, 10:11 GMT +01:00

I doesn't mean to be exaggeravatin', honest.

46. happyture2 March 2011, 11:42 GMT +01:00

Oh dont look at me like that with those big brown eyes,,, ok ok ok i,ll let you off,,,but dont make a habbit of it....

47. xymonau2 March 2011, 12:51 GMT +01:00

Not in a squillion years would I ever!

48. happyture2 March 2011, 13:35 GMT +01:00

Stop it,,,its habit forming... :O)

49. xymonau2 March 2011, 13:53 GMT +01:00

But you can buy it on any street corner, so it's okay.

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