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4 seasons on 45 seconds

1. jimdaly9817 February 2011, 18:39 GMT +01:00

Stumbled across this one - thought you might like it.

74. xymonau9 March 2011, 13:09 GMT +01:00

Just the sumfin bit.

75. happyture9 March 2011, 14:05 GMT +01:00

I was a Choir boy, when i was a boy that is, now i just sing for my supper...

76. xymonau10 March 2011, 10:22 GMT +01:00

Go hungry a lot then? Wait! You're Welsh. You CAN sing! My father had the most beautiful Baritone voice. None of his daughters can sing a note.

77. happyture10 March 2011, 14:18 GMT +01:00

You've heard of Tom Jones,,,Well i sing nothing like him,, more like the late Les Dawson, play the piano like him also...

78. xymonau10 March 2011, 14:42 GMT +01:00

Not sure I know who he is. I'll look him up on Google tomorrow. Going to bed now. But I am very glad you don't sing like Tom Jones. That completely explains my lack of desire to throw my undies at you. Rocks - yes.

79. happyture11 March 2011, 0:01 GMT +01:00

Rocks are good,,I like the ones with currents and fruit and just a smidgen of Irish butter,,,Mmmm,,,,

80. xymonau12 March 2011, 9:53 GMT +01:00

You'll have to settle for gravel with sump oil and rotting vegetation. Don't look at me like that! It's the best I can do at short notice!

81. happyture12 March 2011, 10:05 GMT +01:00

Don't sound very appetizing Dezzie if im honest, too much sump oil always gives me the squirts,,and gravel,,oh well i could pebble dash the house I spose..

82. xymonau12 March 2011, 10:42 GMT +01:00

I haven't seen rock cakes in years. I never ate them as a child, but they seemed to come into fashion at some stage in my life. Maybe the 89s. Then they drifted out of fashion, I think. I didn't mind them. Always a good feed when I was working hard physically. All I do is sit at a desk these days. You think YOUR "brain" is big!

83. happyture13 March 2011, 2:55 GMT +01:00

Ohhh i been at my baby bro's wedding now i,m slightly intoxicated ......HEY dezzie i know my brain is BIG?????

84. xymonau13 March 2011, 5:36 GMT +01:00

Uh oh! Intoximication causes posts you may regret later.

85. happyture13 March 2011, 12:33 GMT +01:00

No,,I don't think so,,i behaving proper see..

86. xymonau13 March 2011, 12:40 GMT +01:00

Was the wedding good?

87. happyture13 March 2011, 21:53 GMT +01:00

Well,,,My brother is a butcher, i know that that's a sore spot with you Dezzie, But I could not stop laughing when i seen their wedding cake, It was made to look like a collection of pork pies, it looked so real the some guests looked at the display and saying oh dear i don't want any of that ,,its pork pie??? I have taken pictures so i,ll load them on photo bucket so you can see for yourself , It was a fantastic wedding, A real fun day :O)

88. xymonau13 March 2011, 23:38 GMT +01:00

Oh, that's brilliant! What a novel idea, and just perfect. They really do look realistic. I'm glad it was a fun wedding. Those are the best kind.

But I am a little bit worried. Those crimps in the edges. Surely not done by yer Mam's teefs??!!

89. happyture13 March 2011, 23:49 GMT +01:00

Its the molars that's give it away init, unlimited usefulnesses they is i tells you, Ma was happy when we give um back to her cause they was covered in icing sugar,,,kept here busy for a while, suckin on um like a leach she was...

90. xymonau15 March 2011, 0:17 GMT +01:00

She's the only woman I know who needs fillin's in her false teefs. All that sugar is wreakin' havoc.

91. happyture15 March 2011, 9:22 GMT +01:00

Her loves it so we gives it see, better a quite Ma than when her takes her teef out and taps um on the arm of her chair,,duz me head in that do tells ya....

92. xymonau15 March 2011, 12:57 GMT +01:00

So she can bite you when you walks by?

93. happyture15 March 2011, 14:29 GMT +01:00

No Dezzie she's stopped doing that since i give her a shot of the dogs distemper stuff,,,don't know whats worserer, the biting,,or the side effects of the distemper shot,,,you know dezzie,,,she goes to the back door and piddles on the Matt,,And then has the blatant nerve to scratch the door,,,

94. xymonau15 March 2011, 22:47 GMT +01:00

I hate old ladies who scratch doors. Very annoying.

95. happyture16 March 2011, 8:24 GMT +01:00

Well so do i Dezzie, you know it scares me sumtimes just how similar we is like??

96. xymonau16 March 2011, 8:29 GMT +01:00

Maybe we is twins separated at birf.

97. happyture16 March 2011, 9:09 GMT +01:00

YEAH,,,,, cuz we have got the same coloured teefs aint we,,,say no more dezzie, we'll keep this to ourshelfs KO...

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