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4 seasons on 45 seconds

1. jimdaly9817 February 2011, 18:39 GMT +01:00

Stumbled across this one - thought you might like it.

1202. happyture27 September 2011, 10:43 GMT +02:00

Now your juss showin off aint ya.this is what we race along in whoooooosh!


1203. xymonau27 September 2011, 11:13 GMT +02:00

It looks like a lot of fun. But it dersn't have legs like the Luggage.

1204. happyture27 September 2011, 12:49 GMT +02:00

No,,,juss a crash helmit, and a prayer,,thats all we got!

1205. xymonau27 September 2011, 13:40 GMT +02:00

Does it hurt your back?

1206. happyture27 September 2011, 23:07 GMT +02:00

Yes it does, if i am having a bad day i dont go for it, if i feel ok i,ll try anything, got to have a go aint you Dezzie,,dont want my friends calling me a chicken..microlite next i think thats on the list :O)

1207. xymonau28 September 2011, 3:24 GMT +02:00

Well, be careful. There are a lot of accidents with those. Better a live chicken than a dead duck.

I had a friend in Brisbane when I first moved there, and his son took up hang gliding. He was right into the sport. Tragically, he plummetted out of the sky one day and became a quadriplegic. He was only about 20 years old. I think if the thrill carries a risk that great, it's not worth it. But the little sand sailing thingies look like fun.

I was always uncoordinated. My only claim to fame was roller skating. but I took it up at the age of 26, so I was never able to throw caution to the wind. I had great balance, though, and could skate around the street, etc. I was super fit in those days. I have far too much sense to try again, but I would love to re-experience those days. They were fun. My son became very good at skating, too, even though he lacks coordination in other sports, as well.

1208. happyture28 September 2011, 8:47 GMT +02:00

Well,,What can i say Dezzie ballerina skater, The problem is Dezzie, i was as fit as a butchers dog untill my Accident, i would do and try anything, really anything, I was in my early thirty's when one day everything stopped, the shock hit me like a ton of bricks, from running 7 km a day to hardly being able to get up the stairs, Thankfully I did not listen to the doctors who at the time told me that i would have maybe 5 years before my spine would have to be cemented up, I read everything about my kind of injury, threw away walking sticks, crutches, and forced myself to move about, eventually i made progress and today i have good days and bad days, good days are really good, and i shall not talk about bad days, Phew, what i,m saying Dezzie is i still want to do whatever i can do when i can do it, i dont want to end up cemented up wishing that i had done it. Do you know something Dezzie, i have never skated in my life, I can remember my sisters doing little twirls and things on roller boots but No, i aint never ventured into it, Nor ice skating,,,maybe if the ice was warm i would have had a go at that but Brrrr i hate the cold...

1209. xymonau28 September 2011, 10:46 GMT +02:00

I've tried ice skating three times - once in Sydney, once in Rockefeller Square in New York, and once in Brisbane. My feet were so numb each time! It's actually a lot easier than rollers, once you get the drag-rather-than-push thing going. On rollers, you have four points of contact per foot to synchronise, whereas you slide on one balance point on the ice. But I found it tough on my ankles. I guess they get stronger with practice.

Well, you know what works for you, Mikey, and obviously being active has been a real blessing for you. You go for it, even if your friends are wringing their hands and worrying! LOL

So if they cemented your spine, would you have any flexibility, or would the whole thing be straight?

1210. happyture28 September 2011, 12:06 GMT +02:00

Ha ha ha,,If they cement me up the only movement will be in my neck, So i would be able to nod yes N No,,,I really dread it ever happening, my best friend plays holly hell with me with some of the things i get up to, and my partner just say's You'll do it wont you, gives me that look that only women have perfected,,you know the look Dezzie, the one that says Your a fool, a idiot, childish, stupid plonka all in one glance!

1211. xymonau28 September 2011, 12:40 GMT +02:00

Like the one I'm givin' you now? ****************!

1212. happyture28 September 2011, 12:45 GMT +02:00

Yeah,,,,just like that one,,,,,,OK you can stop now,,,,now,,,,Hey stop now!!!

1213. xymonau28 September 2011, 12:47 GMT +02:00


I rather like it. I don't want to stop. I'll stop if you tell me the Henly on Todd is the best yachting race in the world. *********************************************!

1214. happyture28 September 2011, 12:57 GMT +02:00

OK, yeah it Ti'z Henly n Todd looks really great,,just the sort of thing id love to take part in, looks like theres loads of folk there all in the same frame of mind as me ...Am i Safe now let me juss have a L@@K...

1215. xymonau28 September 2011, 13:23 GMT +02:00

Hmmph! Well, okay, then. But I got a whole repertoire of icy stares if you so much as put a toe out of place. I can make a growed man cringe an' weep, I can.

1216. happyture28 September 2011, 17:13 GMT +02:00

I Beleeve yoo, honest i do, i as lived long enough to know that womens dont joke bout them sort of things!

1217. xymonau29 September 2011, 3:21 GMT +02:00

And how are you this bright, fine morning? Well, it's overcast and midday, but let's not pick at straws.

1218. happyture29 September 2011, 8:42 GMT +02:00

Well, take a chair, get yourself a nice glass of freshly squeezed orange juice and i,ll tell you, Are you sitting comfortably???? then i shall begin, This morning i awoke to the sounds of the sparrows playing happily in the front yard, the day was just breaking with the sky delicate shades of blue and pinks, mist still rising from the dew wet grass, trees looking like ghostly giants standing stead fast in the mist, I can hear my cat scratching at the door, my neighbour starting his car, with a scream of delight the rookery bursts into life as the rooks take to the air heading to the feeding fields far away, Yes, today will be a nice day, a sunny day, now, , , where's my camera :O)

1219. xymonau29 September 2011, 9:08 GMT +02:00

Ah, the stuff life is made of. I hope you get some fabulous photos!

1220. happyture29 September 2011, 9:23 GMT +02:00

Dont think i,ll be doing any sand yachting cuz theres no wind at all today,,so its me friend Nikons day today, i shall be gone out your hair in about a hour, charged me batts up, combed me wig, cleaned the censor/lens lcd screen,,ready to rumble.. What you up to today?

1221. xymonau29 September 2011, 9:28 GMT +02:00

I was going to go out, but the day got away from me. Another wasted one. I am cooking yellow split peas for tea - making some dahl - and I will try - I said, "try", to get an early night. My holidays are over as of Monday, and it's back to the grind. Not sure I'm ready yet, but we'll see. Tomorrow I have a busy day, and I really need to get cracking on several things. None of which involve cameras. I can't face taking photos right now for some reason. I had to ask my son's partner to take some shots of the girls last week. It all feels like a bit much. Never mind, this too shall pass. I have about six assignments due, but I haven't even done the reading for those yet.

1222. happyture29 September 2011, 9:42 GMT +02:00

Oh dear, sounds like your gonna be a busy gurl for a hour or two then? I can not see a day without my camera, I have so many ideas roaming through my head its hard for me to sit still, Its the Art side of photography that encapsulates me, your image of a bloody man really captured my attention great work, any way, i feel that i am holding you away from you choirs, and i dont want you blaming me for that do i Hummm!

1223. xymonau29 September 2011, 10:01 GMT +02:00

Nope, food is cooking. The peas taste wonderful! A bit of curry, garlic and onion powder, and nutmeg. I'm cooking cauliflower and potatoes to go with it.

The sun is setting here right now.

1224. xymonau29 September 2011, 10:06 GMT +02:00

Thank you for the nice comment. It was a workmate, and no humans were injured in the creation of that image.

1225. happyture29 September 2011, 10:22 GMT +02:00

I can smell the food cooking,,maybe just a tad too much onion powder..my eyes,,my eyes.........

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