On rare occasions I used the "Requests" forum on SXC to help find illustrations - either to request a specific kind of image, or to get ideas for one. There doesn't seem to be a specific space for that kind of thing so putting it here meantime...
I came across the following image somewhere on google image search while looking for images round the idea of burden:
I'd find a similar image with a different word very useful - specifically "Sin", but I can see a whole load of other possibilities...
Anyone have the skills to put something like that together?
Hi Colin,
I've put a JPEG and PSD file on this subject at a dropbox address and will email you separately about it. At the present time I'm not releasing the dropbox address here, though I would like to, as I'm not sure of the copyright implications of what is a derived work. Maybe you or somebody else on RGB Stock has more info on this?
Anyway, hope it helps.
Derived works with recognisable bits of the image from which they were derived are still not able to be used freely without the copyright holder's permission.
Colin, I'm not capable of anything that slick. It might be worth a dollar to look for one on a pay site. Anything on the Christian sites?
Something like this is the best I could offer:
Thanks folks. The original image is widely available online, and its copyright is unclear - so the derived work stuff is obviously an issue, and it probably shouldn't be redistributed - though its good enough for the kind of sermon illustration on a powerpoint I was looking for! Its obviously easier to edit the image and replace the text, but I'd also though that a real guru might take the idea and do their own figure.... they could then put all sorts of other 3D words on, suitable for stock.
But nice to be part of a responsive community! (Have you all noticed that the forums at SXC, for a long time not really working, are completely closed now?)
Sounds like here's a good opportunity for someone with time, plasticine, a set of letters and a studio lighting rig.
@4. So sad to see SXC in the state it's in. Still says -
"Stock.XCHNG is under new management! Getty Images is proud to now wholly-own the world's best free stock site. SXC has a long history and a great community, and we're excited to grow with this unique site. We also have lots of expertise and experience to offer as industry leaders."
That was 2009. No forum now, so people can't have a voice at all.
SXC was the site that got me interested in photography in the first place, I'd downloaded a couple of photos for a web project and putting a couple up was my way of saying thanks. Still, most of the old team are here now, so It feels like home :0)
It's true, it used to be a wonderful place. Let's hope we can continue the good spirit of the place here. When sites change hands, there are always changes, and some not for the best.
An image like this would be easier to change the lettering on the books:
https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&tbs=simg:CAQSEgmrjc6qsvIsoiF5HFDbXzEQ5g&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&q=income tax&dur=1403&biw=1920&bih=965&sei=OpqWT9XaA-OC2AXPiYTpDQ