Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
That warm fuzzy feeling is a hot water bottle in a woolly cover!
The prize is mine.
Ah, Karen! Here you are again, in spite of the fact that you know full well that I have won. I'm delighted to see you here, but disappointed in your slowness to grasp facts. You'll have to join the queue of would-bes, I'm afraid. Still, it's been so long since I've seen you, I'll shout you a hot chocolate with my winnings.
Lol! You make such amusing jokes Dez! Fancy saying that the prize is yours! But the truth of ocurse is that it's mine.
"Off course" is right. You are. I'm not. Actually, you said "of a curse", and I can't argue with that, my loser friend.
And none of you becoms a winner (in this game) Because it's me :))
I'll bet you have a wonderful accent, Gesine. I am going to a CHIP - coronary health improvement project - program, and the doctor leading out is German. He has exquisite English. Germans speak such great English. Do English speakers speak good German?
In spite of your accent, I can not let you win. Sorry.
your humour is still brilliant dez, you really do believe youve won (sad init), yous all know that i know im the real WINNER! (wink, wink)
@4041:Most english Speakers have a nice accent, I really love to hear it.
But although my grammar and my diction are not brilliant and correct everytime, I win. (wink, wink Karen ;))
You really do need to sort out that eye problem Gesine. Lol! Meanwhile - I'm the winner.
The moff loves it when the ladies wink at him. Usually it's because they can't believe their eyes. (You should really wear clothing, Moff.)
Ah, Karen - lovely as always, but still confused!
Gesine, nothing is wrong with your eyes. Moff is just a winker.
Seems to be a royal manner, Ladys, Lords...here is my message: i'm the winner wink wink
Good to hear that Dez, but where are my reading glasses??!?
I hid them, so you couldn't find the last post. I have to eliminate all the competition, and I'm ruthless.
hes got a great accent in his films, i love accents, i could listen to people talk all day, anyhoo, i do believe i won, as always, i know a little song we , well yous could sing to me
"karen is the winner"
na na na
all together now
1 2 3
I love singing loud, wrong and especially when I had a beer before.
karen is the winner na na na ehh?? Done again. Wrong !
Of course it should say:
(1 strophe)
gesine is the winner
sha na na ne na.
(2 strophe)
gesine is the winner
(and chorus again)
sha na na ne na.
To the tune of "Old MacDonald Had a Farm":
Dezzy Pain has won this game
Everybody knows!
Dezzy Pain has won this game
Everybody knows!
With a win-win here and a win-win there,
Here a win, there a win, everywhere a win-win!
Dezzy Pain has won this game
Everybody knows!
Knick knack paddy whack
You've only won a bone
The Prize is with me -
I win alone!