Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
Here is a dramatization of you trying to take my prize: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kaAo4DuyIf4
Hmm, looks like a sticky situation.
@1919, Better send in that Evaniidae. I see they're parasitic and have a distinctively shaped abdomen. Sounds like a lawyer...
You call that a stick? It's not even pointy!
Macromouth, you have always resented lawyers since they sent you to the big house. Get over it, man!
I'll take my prize to the big house in Las Vegas. I think we would like Bellagio.
@1924 Nice of you to think I'm esconced in the Big House, but a chap called Barack something-or-other is already there. Never mind, I await my destiny with the virtue of patience. Meantime I quite fancy that stately pile of Liz & Phil's in London. I'll make good use of the prize there.
But you already have tasted of Her Majesty's digs, according to the papers. Not nice, macro, not nice!
Trust you to throw away the prize on tinsel and glitz, Cris de rowdy. No, I'll have that right here, thank you. It is mine and I'll invest it sensibly in stockings and bands.
@1928 No, no, you misunderstand. Her Majesty's digs refers to the important archaeological investigations I helped with. HM is thinking of awarding me a knighthood in consequence.
Meanwhile the prize is horrified at the thought of being forced to spend himself on stockings and pop groups and has returned, trembling, to me. He also rather fancies the idea of HM giving him a baronetcy.
HM told me she just wants you kneeling so she can swing that sword. Don't fall for it, macro! The prize is manipulating you both. He knows exactly who is the winner (me) and he just wants to see what he can get out of you. If you're silly enough to fall for it, so be it. But he will just come running back to his mumsy once he has used you up and discarded you. It's his hobby, you see. Well, we all need something to while away the hours, don't we?
@1930 I get your point about the sword.
The prize, however, assures me that his only hobby is stamp collecting. Oh, and also kidding you that he wants to be with you. We're just going to check his penny blacks and tuppenny blues now. Lucrative... :)
With all the water about, perhaps you could talk him into selling it to ME!
Lol! I'll see what I can do. I'll also explain to him about the RNLI.
This talk is of things which I do not understand. Even the prize is baffled about his fate. Is the prize slated to be dropped from the bridge only to rescued by the Royal National Lifeboat Institution below? Wouldn't he be happier surrounded by tinsel and glitz than being held in the stocks and bondage. The prize is not criminal and should be treated respectfully and with dignity.
Cris, I'd like to reassure you that the RNLI is not in to stocks and bondage! Though a little more income from shares, stocks and bonds wouldn't come amiss. I'm talking to the prize about it even now... :)
Er... No. Bonds, stocks, shares, and other interesting financial benefits of having the prize settle down permanently to live with me. [Sighs contentedly] :)
The prize is bound to come back to his rightful owner. I think I hear him coming now!
Correct! and he he is! Come to mumsy, cutums! Oh, there's a good boy!
Cutums? Cut-ums?? That must be a very sharp pointy stick!
@1944 I agree! They just frustrate the heck outta me too!