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4 Letter Words

1. krayker16 July 2010, 13:45 GMT +02:00

You can only change ONE letter, AND/OR rearrange the letters currently available. The first word is:


7994. Ayla8722 December 2012, 13:52 GMT +01:00

I think the development between the two cats is


fine. They play a lot together and sometimes the games get a little bit too serious and too hard, but I think that is nothing we need to worry about. It is quite clear to see that they enjoy the company. Cats obviously have better nerves and are more tolerant with each other than we are when they are just too wild. But I have the impression that things get better slowlynow as they grow more and more accustomed with the whole situation here and get settled in more and more.

7995. xymonau22 December 2012, 14:25 GMT +01:00

It still


be fun to watch them sometimes. There's something so funny about the way cats play that appeals to me.

7996. Ayla8723 December 2012, 9:16 GMT +01:00

when I


about their playing around I think it has a lot to do with that they really forget the world around them while they play and are truly fearless, it's really great fun to watch them.

7997. xymonau23 December 2012, 10:11 GMT +01:00

I'm the

same -

cats play so seriously, they make me laugh

7998. Ayla8724 December 2012, 9:03 GMT +01:00

now it's time to wish you a wonderful christmas over here, too, which needs more than four letters. You will have to tell me afterwards, which was your favourite


Christa and I will bake our traditional vegetarian christmas pizza today and I'm sure it will be very tasty again and won't last very long.

7999. xymonau24 December 2012, 10:04 GMT +01:00

A very Merry Christmas to you both! We will be hot and sweltering here. Is it snowing there? Do you do the big event on Christmas eve or on the day itself? I have some European friends who have their special meal on the evening of Christmas eve.

At work, we try to give the homeless men a special meal tonight, a fancy breakfast and lunch, then leftovers for the evening meal tomorrow. We also give them a special lunch on Boxing day and New Year's day. Lots of junk food - desserts, lollies, chips, nuts and soft drinks.

Your pizza sounds wonderful. I'm getting back on the vegan diet in the new year. I'm as fat as a pig, and if I don't lose weight, my back will have me


8000. Ayla8724 December 2012, 12:00 GMT +01:00



goes for me, I'm quite fat currently, I think mostly because of great lots of tasty bisquits, self-made cookiesand sins like that. Things will get better when I have eaten all of them and normality returns.

That is a great idea of you to care for the homeless men at work.

We will make our pizza today, will start in an hour. The preparation will take about two hours. After the meal there is plenty time for a nice christmas walk. Many houses are nicely decorated, it is a pleasure to watch that. We hat snow till yesterday, so we had to walk through the forest yesterday because we knew the snow would melt away today.

8001. xymonau24 December 2012, 13:20 GMT +01:00

Oh, there is a wonderful house just a block from here all decorated with lights, and it looks magical. I know there are a lot around, but because I can't see well enough to drive at night, I can't go out exploring. I was coming home a bit late the other evening and it was almost dark, and I saw this one. It was beautiful. I would never have the energy to crawl all over the roof to string lights. Some people are very committed.

How beautiful it must be to wander through snow-covered trees. I am going to have to see snow before I die. I'll have to head south one winter to one of our snowfields. It always snows the day after I leave places. I think I'm the only one in my family who has never seen it. Even my son saw it in New Zealand on a brief holiday. *sigh*

I might not remain


in this heat - although it's not severely hot

8002. Ayla8725 December 2012, 8:13 GMT +01:00

well, it's absolutely


to say that snow has its own magic. He so strongly changes the look of the landscape, covers everything with a soft blanket which spends silence and makes the whole appearance so atmospheric. Hard to describe. It can give you shivers, and not only from the cold. I truly hope you wil get to see it soon. I think this is an absolute *must*.

This one was shot 100 metres from where we live (still in our street a bit around the corner):

8003. xymonau30 December 2012, 7:04 GMT +01:00

Oh, that looks magical, indeed!

I've been sweltering by swimming pools while my grandbabies dive-bombed and generally created mayhem. Snow was the farthest thing from my mind in the blazing summer! LOL This is Christmas here - and probably in the whole southern hemisphere. Yet we still send cards with snow and snowmen. Go figure! And we cover our trees with



8004. Ayla8730 December 2012, 7:46 GMT +01:00

at least you can still dream of snow while you are sweating at christmas. Let's


it, due to the climate change a "white christmas" is nothing we can rely on anymore nowadays

8005. xymonau30 December 2012, 13:16 GMT +01:00

I'm not sure the climate is changing significantly. I think there have always been variations, and times change. The world is certainly being destroyed and wearing out, but I don't think the temperature is much different.

Even though I'd like to experience the whole white xmas thing, I still like the summery, casual nature of ours. The kids can ride their new bikes around freely, they can go to the pool or the beach, and as long as there is enough shade, a picnic is perfect for xmas dinner. Or a barbequeue.

on Boxing day we had breakfast in a


and enjoyed each other's company

8006. Ayla8731 December 2012, 12:14 GMT +01:00

Over here detailed daily climate values are noted by the meteorologists since 1830, and they tell us that over the last years the climate has broken lots of records, more than would be normal in all those 100 years called "industrialisation". Changes are dramatic at other occasions, too (think of ice-ages), but then the changes are much slower than now. We live in a region which is a bit more affected because we are dependant of things like a "gulf stream" who is threatened to run dry or to stop streaming and that would speed up local effects a lot. But it is also


enough that we can luckily say to be old enough to miss most of all those developments.

So let's look into a nice new year - Happy New Year, Dez :)

8007. xymonau31 December 2012, 13:26 GMT +01:00

And a very Happy New Year to you and Christa, Michael!

I must tell you - at one of the motels where I stayed, a German tourist came down to talk to me. He had very poor English. he said he had been given a beach cricket set by friends here, and he asked if the girls would like it, as he couldn't take it on the plane and wouldn't use it again. The girls were very excited to receive it. i thought it was a lovely gesture. I wanted to talk to him and ask which city he was from, but we had to go, and I never had the chance, as he left the next day.

I don't think you should


the Gulf Stream ceasing to flow - unless they continue to set off nuclear bombs in the ocean. They have already done enough damage.

8008. Ayla871 January 2013, 8:40 GMT +01:00

Thanks for your good wishes from Christa, too, Dez. The new


started quite fine for us. The cats were a bit nervous because of all those fireworks, but we did our best to calm them down and distract them. They found a marble left in a corner by our old cat and nicely played soccer with it. It was fun to watch and great entertainment. Kept them busy for quite a while. And then there was the chance to chase the laser pointer once again, which makes them jump like crazy...

Your story of the German tourist was nice to hear. Such short acquaintanceships are a nice way to get some friendly impressions of people.

I think it will take longer than Christa and I live for the Gulf Stream to seriously slow down. We would suffer quite a lot if the wheather would heat up significantly, because we don't like heat. Let's hope this process has a chance to slow down a little bit again.

8009. xymonau1 January 2013, 9:44 GMT +01:00

I don't like the heat, either, but the older I get the less I like the cold as well. Never satisfied! It sounds like your cats had fun.

I have met a few really nice German tourists over the years. I used to stay in backpackers when my son was youbng and we were tripping around, and often encountered them. Their English is usually really excellent (we have a lot of similar words) and I have been an English coach for some! LOL One woman I remember made me blush. In backpackers, you are often in bunk beds. I was in a lower bunk and she was getting ready for bed in the upper bunk. She stripped off all of her clothing - underwear included, and just climbed up. I'm fairly modest, and this was a bit of a shock to the system, even from another woman! LOL

tomorrow I


my reward for more than a week of sloth, and have to return to work

8010. Ayla871 January 2013, 12:07 GMT +01:00

I'm afraid I speak English only with a terrible accent. My written English is better because you can't see the accent...

Your bed story is a nice one, too. I must admit that I'm used to seeing lots of naked flesh in the sauna now for many years. Most of the visitors there are rather old, not a very entertaining sight...


life will see me back in the office tomorrow, too. There are lots of statistics to be made to show what we have done over the past year.

8011. xymonau1 January 2013, 21:14 GMT +01:00

I have a monthly and quarterly report to do as well. Case studies have to go with the quarterly - for the government. I have a headache just thinking about it. But at least I had only a few calls while I was away.

back to the


(The video for the prize draw was taken in my office. It was full of gifts for the clients and other things. It tends to be a dumping ground as we have very few storage areas. At least the gifts will be gone!)

8012. Ayla872 January 2013, 6:58 GMT +01:00

my stats are no reason to toss my


out, all just routine. If there is one thing my office is really full of, that is dust, because nobody has cared for the dust here in years. Still I'm lucky enough to have an own office which I don't have to share with anybody else. Most offices here are occupied by two people, so I'm lucky to have one alone. Our old phone machine doesn't record any calls when we are not in the office, so our customers have to call again later. During this year we are supposed to move into new offices. We hope they won't be too far away so that my way home won't take much longer.

8013. xymonau2 January 2013, 7:22 GMT +01:00

you can put on


and graces when you're in a fancy new place!

Yes, I hope it is close to you. Commuting can be soul-destroying. When I was a teenager in Sydney, I had a job in the city and had to commute for an hour and a half each way by train. That was really hard. I didn't stay at that job for long.

8014. Ayla872 January 2013, 8:18 GMT +01:00

we have to change our offices to save money. one of three buildings has to be given up and we are crammed together in the remaining ones. They are old houses, too, nothing really fancy. In the worst case I have to change the underground train to reach my new office and it will cost about me an extra half hour every day (15 minutes each direction). That's more than a


of hours. sums up quite a bit for all those years which I still have to work (about 15 years). I'd prefer to have those 390 hours as spare time...

8015. xymonau2 January 2013, 9:52 GMT +01:00

Oh, dear. Will you lose your office? I had an amazing office for several years in another job. It had its own ensuite, and three rooms. It was a converted flat. Then they eventually moved someone else into one of the rooms, and I felt very upset. LOL In my next job, even though I was the manager, I had to share an office, and it was old and ugly and cramped and uncomfortable. The floor slanted backwards, and every time I moved I'd roll into the back wall! I had to get a mat to put under my chair.

At this current place, it's fairly modern, but badly designed. My desk is a bit small, and there are a lot of things I'd like to change. But it is still my own, unshared space, and that's good. I find it hard to concentrate when people are around me.

So how old are you, Michael? I thought you were much younger than being that close to retiring age.

I am over-


now - 57

8016. Ayla872 January 2013, 10:46 GMT +01:00

my chief promised that I will have a single office in the new building again. she understands that it is is difficult for me to work with another person in the room because I'm hard of hearing. I hear only what I'm not supposed to hear LOL

I'm 47 now and I work in this town hall since 1984 which is now nearly 29 years in a row. Never done anything else. Always in the same building, but I've come to know offices in four of the five floors. can't tell you how long I really have to work till retirement because the regulations are changed every once in a while. Retirement ages should generally


indefinitely because the population gets older and older and so everyone has to work longer because the work has to be done anyhow. The Germans are said to be dying out. I expect to work at least till I'm 62, but maybe we are expected to work even longer. They try to settle the average retirement age at 67, but not many reach that because of health reasons. disabled persons (like I am) currently are able to retire with 62 without a loss in the height of their pension.

8017. xymonau2 January 2013, 11:27 GMT +01:00

So do you wear hearing aids? And were you born with hearing issues or did you develop them? Is that your only disability? You must know everything about your workplace. I would like to have worked for the same place for that long. I had 10 years in one job and nine in another, but always moved on. I was not happy in the 10 year job, though, so it was a real relief to go. however, without that experience in middle management, I would never have become a manager. I'm sort of a step down from that now - a coordinator - but I work wothout a lot of supervision and it's fine. And I'm earning more than I was as a manager in my last position. I do like my job. And the company I work for. It's just that these days nothing is very secure work-wise in my country. Unemployment is


and like a lot of western countries, things are looking worse.

Retirement age has been raised here, too. I think I have to wait until 67. My parents could retire at 60 for my mother and 65 for my father. Now they're pushing it to the 70s. I think it's wicked. I'm already feeling my age, and I can't imagine working until 67. I'm getting deaf - i have trouble hearing on the phone these days - and I am physically having a lot of pain. Still, I have to eat, and there is only one of me, so I have to work as long as I can.

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