Thanks, could of warned me though, as the shock has made me go all Funny-er than normal... :o)
Its a long way to push me car though!! 4.35am here, still cant sleep,,gotta try ,,,i,ll try one eye first......
Lazy, you is. If you'd started pushin' a few hours ago, you cooda bin here by now. But, oh, no! YOU hasta has yer beauty sleep!
You must have had tea or coffee waiting for your girl, did you? Never mind. I hate it when that happens. Lie in bed in a comfy position. Then take the deepest breath you can, through your nose. Hold it for a couple of seconds, then breathe out through your mouth as slowly as you can, until all the air is gone. Do that four times, and you will be about as relaxed as you're going to get.
Lazy, you is. If you'd started pushin' a few hours ago, you cooda bin here by now. But, oh, no! YOU hasta has yer beauty sleep!
You must have had tea or coffee waiting for your girl, did you? Never mind. I hate it when that happens. Lie in bed in a comfy position. Then take the deepest breath you can, through your nose. Hold it for a couple of seconds, then breathe out through your mouth as slowly as you can, until all the air is gone. Do that four times, and you will be about as relaxed as you're going to get.
It dont work, I,m cooking new years dinner so had too much on my mind, like will i burn the lettuce, will ther be enough slices of gravy to go around! no no no cant sleep...everyone else in the house does except me!
Ah, I love lettuce with a burnt crust! Can I come over?
Of course you can, everybody is welcome at mine! well except the bailiffs...
You mean that my boyfriend, the bailiff, is not welcome?
As in the bible my dear, He can go forth and multiply...
Anyways, his eyes is too close together,,,an you knows what that meens....juss as well i,m your friend and can tell you these things..did you say his name was clarence?
Horace. I manages to nab a live one for a change (don't ask!), an' you has nothing good to say about him. Yers, his eyes is a bit close. An' he has unusual looks, I agree. But then, so do I. We makes a luvly cupple!
Thats right Dezzie, sorry it wont happen again, it was a loss of manners juss for a second ,,, I Appologize to you....
*sniff* You is still larfin' - jus' on the inside. Why, it's 'cause 'e's a bailiff, innit? You done so much time in the clink, you is resentful, you is.
I cant believe,,,,hang on let me try,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,No, i cant believe it a bailiff..does he give you discounted items at special rates :O)
Oh, waita minnit. Not bailiff, a waiter. You can see how I made the mistake.
Waiter,,thats more in keeping dezzie,, patient man is he dezzie, does he have to Wait around alot ....
Ha ha ha ha ,,,see there you go again,,,I cant help larffin when you sez funny things can I ,,,be fair!
Well, apart from the eyes, he's a fine figger of a man. Horace an' me is companions.
He's got affectionate eyes,,,they always looking at each other.. Well,,and i'll speak openly here Dezmerellda as we is friends,,,I think you is using poor Horace just because of his waitering skills,, a bit like Gordon the gopher,,,go for this go for that the man looks worn out, i can see his toes through his pumps for heavens sake..
That's just fashion, is all that is. Nah, I izzent usin' him. Well, ony a bit. SOMEone's gotta rub me bunions, hey?
Spose so, but wot bout washing the car, laundry, hoovering, window cleaning, making meals ??? hiz he any gud at um...
Washing the car? I thought that's what rain is for.
Laundry? leave 'em inna basket for a few days, then turn 'em inside out, you can get hundreds of wears outa 'em, then jus' throw 'em away!
Hoovering? I assume you mean "vaccuuming". Haven't you heard that nature hates a vaccuum?
Window cleaning? - Rain again.
Making meals? Doesn't McDonald's do that?
You have some strange ways in the British Isles...
I seen on the telly the dust storms and rain and stuff you Oztralians get blowin about, yoo muss have a dusty old house with windows you cant see out, and a car that looks like a travelling sand castle...We is strange??