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Camera for Christmas!

1. happyture13 December 2011, 7:37 GMT +01:00

Well its that time of year again, the photography shops are full to the britches with sparkly new cameras with more pixels and wonder gadgetry than you can wave a stick at, I am looking for a new camera but dont want to have a wheelbarrow to carry it around, I have been looking closely at the Panasonic G3 amazed at the size and control this camera seems to have, yet i am concerned that the iso settings only goes down to 160iso,,,,that i feel is rather high as my little fuji and Big Nikon go down much lower around 80iso with the fuji and 100iso with the Nikon,,,I can hear you all saying OMG he's rambling again, BUT i would love to hear your opinions on the many cameras that are on the market at the moment.

146. happyture9 January 2012, 6:43 GMT +01:00

Well ive got a good teacher ??

147. xymonau9 January 2012, 7:05 GMT +01:00

I will senjoo the bill.

148. happyture9 January 2012, 8:35 GMT +01:00

I will Senjoo a I.O.U :o)

149. xymonau9 January 2012, 9:54 GMT +01:00

I will send you the knee-cappers. They is BIG.

150. happyture10 January 2012, 9:18 GMT +01:00

You wouldn't Dare,,,I is middling but i punch scratch bite kick spit n growl like a dingo with depression so's they better look out....

151. xymonau10 January 2012, 10:08 GMT +01:00

Ahem. They is on their way. An' theys is quakin' in theys boots.


152. happyture10 January 2012, 12:24 GMT +01:00

Are they Gurls,,they look like gurls,,,

153. xymonau10 January 2012, 12:46 GMT +01:00

Welsh gurls?

154. happyture10 January 2012, 14:00 GMT +01:00

Oztralian Gurls i thoughted!!!

155. xymonau11 January 2012, 1:27 GMT +01:00

Nah, we is beeyootifull. They mus' be Welsh.

156. happyture11 January 2012, 6:49 GMT +01:00

Well we do build um big n strong here, but they is very pretty and feminine too, they always paints they toenails before they puts their pit boots on,,, mmm lovely gurls are Welsh ones yes indeedy ...

157. xymonau11 January 2012, 8:11 GMT +01:00

Hmm. So when are you goin' to lend me your new camera? I arksed nicely.

158. happyture11 January 2012, 10:12 GMT +01:00

I,ll send you my old one, just forward your address and i shall send you a lovely fuji S9600 free of charge, "please read terms and conditions below".........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

159. xymonau11 January 2012, 12:48 GMT +01:00

Below what?

160. happyture12 January 2012, 8:56 GMT +01:00

He he!!!

161. xymonau12 January 2012, 9:48 GMT +01:00

Now you're giggling like a girl - or worse.

Has you bin drinkin?

162. happyture12 January 2012, 10:26 GMT +01:00

Just a wee morning dram, just to thin the blood....

163. xymonau12 January 2012, 10:31 GMT +01:00

Thinned your brain cells, too. You don't have many more layers after that rat business.

164. happyture12 January 2012, 12:49 GMT +01:00

I,ll have you know that i had a brain scan not two weeks ago and they said that i had one of the nicest, neatest, healthiest brain they had seen in a long time, in perfect condition,,,however, they did say that this was probably because of its little use,, dont quite understand what he meant by that?

165. xymonau12 January 2012, 13:27 GMT +01:00

No, well you woodent, woodjoo?

166. happyture12 January 2012, 17:20 GMT +01:00

What you meen buy that!!!

167. xymonau13 January 2012, 1:48 GMT +01:00


168. happyture13 January 2012, 8:46 GMT +01:00

See What?? Did something happen???

169. xymonau14 January 2012, 10:13 GMT +01:00

Not in your noggin, it diddent.

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