My name is Mela (ex sofijab), I just discovered this site, and I am delighted to be here.It looks professional, layout is ok, I like it! And, most importantly of all, I see that there are a lot of old familiar faces:)
Best regards
Good to see you here! I was hoping you would come.
Yes, lots of familiar faces and great galleries too.
We have a import tool that copies the galleries from sxc to here . It is on the home page at the top of the right hand column. You can see it only when you are logged on.
The tool copies your sxc gallery with titles, descriptions and keywords while leaving your gallery at sxc. It really works good.
There is no waiting for approvals here and we have an empty queue. You could have your gallery here available in no time.
I always loved your work. Good to see you.
Thank you people:)
I have deleted my photos from sxc long time ago:), because Isuckphoto, so it will take a while, but I think I found myself a new home:) here.
ps. sorry for my english:)
Lovely to have you here! You have such beautiful images. And, yes, this is a nice place to be.
Thanks for all the work setting this up folks, and for the ongoing improvements.
I'm looking forward to being part of the community here :)
Maybe you can begin by uploading some Easter images in our competition. Details will be posted in Genral Chat very soon! Lovely to see you here, Jenny.
Hi sofijab, I'm glad you found us!
We were wondering why you hadn't joined us yet!