I have a mere 4.4 average...
Cris (crisderaud) has an average download rate of 12.34 per image.
Can anyone beat that?
We are beaten, knocked out with a mere 2,8 average
I have a mere 1.5. But I take solace in the fact that many of my shots are quite specialist subjects.
To be honest, the size of a gallery plays a significant role here. Smaller galleries tend to display a higher average download. Both Cris and I have small galleries therefore our average is higher. Sanja, on the other hand has the second largest gallery (2300 +) and an above average "average" download figure which puts her ahead of the crowd in more ways than one.
A major achievement and the reason why she is our brightest star. :0)
What a surprise to see when I opened this thread. I didn't have any idea of what the numbers were.
I noticed that my position on the total download rank was slipping and I need to put up some more photos.
Sanja can't be beat on the usability scale. She offers quality and quantity which puts her in a league of her own. :)
@7 & 9 I totally agree. Sanja's gallery is just stunning.
@5 Kevin your gallery is one of my favourites to browse. There is no value judgement to the figures as Lynne points out, I just found it of interest particularly in view of Cris' amazing download rate.
Just looked at the highscore 10 board and they hold 15,311 of the 50,100 images in here and they have taken 49,619 downloads - giving them an avrage of 3.24 ;-)
Thats very nice!
Jana_Koll has an average of 18.26
She beats everyone that I know of.
That's because her images, particularly her graphics, are superb. :)