Recently downloads of my images have been averaging 6-7 per day, but today there have been nearly 300! These appear to be mostly due to the activity of one person, downloading one per eight seconds for a period during this evening (GMT +2). Has anyone else been experiencing exceptional activity, and is it cause for concern?
That definitely helps, but I think when one person downloads so many there is not a good reason. It can indicate redistribution. Perhaps not. I hope not.
I saw an increase in downloads too last weekend.
sxc has a maximum of a hundred downloads per 24 hours
is it possible for rgb to have a maximum too?
Last night I got again a large increase of downloads, from 0 to 6 or 7 :S seems fishy to me
We have an increase in DLs, too, but the start of a week, especially tuesday, was always a stronger day and the overall effects may well mainly be due to the newsletter, which reminded all the signed up users to look through RGBs offerings again.
We registered this download activity too. We are not sure if this is abuse or just normal downloads. But we monitor this process closely. So for now lets be happy with so many downloads :)
maybe you just got popular with one guy! it happens too. someone likes your images so much, they download quite a few from your gallery.
just that sometimes people forget to leave a thank you note. it's so nice to read them, especially, if an image has taken a lot of hard work, and you've given it for free, it pays to just say 'thank you'!
Hmm I had almost 300 downloads in two days ... This is strange.
As Jay has stated above, we have monitoring capabilities to review a person's entire download history of their gallery.
Even my download numbers are up but there have been many different people grabbing a few from my gallery.
We have had well over a thousand people sign up with us since the beginning of the year and our name is getting recognized as a competitive free stock site. What we are now seeing, as increasing download activity, is just the beginning of what I predict to be an explosion of activity in the near future.
Hang on to your hats as we shift into high gear in 2011.
Cris is right.
And there are down-loaders who uses tools like this one:
This type of tools does multiple downloads in one time. We are quite restrictive in counting downloads but is is hard to filter all those double numbers.
I agree Kevin! I detected a systematic downloading of my pictures. I reached over 200 downloads in one day every 8 or 10 seconds
An unusual increase in downloads today even though not so many new users signed up. Somebody must realy like what he/she sees here :)
Today is a weird day... allready over 5000 downloads for the site(yesterday's total was 1500 or so)... WOW!
It seems that the excessive downloads were due to one user who has now been blocked.
Jazza has written a code to limit downloads to 100 per day, per user.
Stephen, the download stats on the 13th are normal although that's not to say this person didn't start his antics late on the 13th. :0)
Do you know for what purpose he or she did so many downloads?
I admit when I do computer work I very often watch the stats-list and I don't have so many downloads a day so - I'm sometimes surprised how the downloads -numbers from rgbstock (and don't look at my downloads, they doesn't matter)are increasing or decreasing. There is no pattern for that - right?